Privacy Info


cellcash is an e-platform for reselling used electronic gadgets.

We believe in offering a complete solution wherein customers can sell old or used gadgets hassle-free.
cellcash enables the customers to sell their old gadgets online and get instant cash along with free home pick up.

Privacy Terms

Please review the CellCash privacy policy, as it contains important information related to use of the Site and Services. CellCash values and protects the privacy of your information. Some parts of the Site are protected and require a user identification code ('User Code') and password for access. Unauthorized access or use of such portions of the Site is prohibited. You agree that you will notify CellCash immediately if you believe that a third party has obtained your User Code or password, or if you believe that any unauthorized access or use may occur or has occurred. For your protection, if CellCash believes that any unauthorized access may occur or has occurred, CellCash may De-Activate access without prior notice to you. You also agree that CellCash is permitted to take action upon any instructions received such instructions as authorized by you.

Fast and trusted deliveries through our network. Just download our mobile application using below link to get started today.

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